Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Jacobsen's

There's a word used in literature called foreshadowing. It means "a warning or indication of a future event." You know those moments in life where you look back and you realize that you should of seen these moments coming. I feel like I should have seen a lot of my life moments heading my way, but there is only one time I can ever remember feeling positive that I knew what was going to happen in my future. That was the moment I met Barry. That feeling started with this:
And ended like this:
We've officially been married for 8 months and being married is the BEST!!!! We are now in our 3rd apartment and it is by far our favorite. We finally have room to share the bathroom mirror and cook together in the kitchen. Pictures will come as soon as I finish procrastinating my blogging and pick up a bit. Barry is currently going to school at BYU as well as interning/working part time at Northwestern Mutual. I have my associates from BYU-Idaho and just finished working for an attorney's office because my wonderful sister Katie got me a job at the dental office she works at. It'll be a nice change to go from working on phones all day to working with people. For those of you who keep asking about babies. Yes, we have two. We call them our niece and nephew and we are perfectly happy with that for now. We're also a super proud Uncle and Aunt. Anyways there's tons more to share but for now "Go hit the books, they don't hit back. Also........hugs not drugs. Mess with the bull get the horns.... And any other cliches you can come up with."

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